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Tractor Trailer Tow Team Assists Lynchburg PD

Bee Line received an urgent call from the Lynchburg Police Department late on a Saturday afternoon requiring assistance for a tractor trailer tow. A semi-tractor and trailer had struck a bridge causing some damage to the front end of the trailer, but upon being removed the movement had ripped open a third of the trailer leaving the reefer unit laying against the back of the road tractor (this is definitely a when it rains, it pours moment). Bee Line’s arriving driver made a quick decision to call in the Scene Safety Supervisor as well as additional big equipment to assist with the rescue. Once on site, the tractor trailer tow team came together to make an efficient and safe recovery plan.

After a quick inspection, by request of the driver, the tractor was deemed safe for travel with minimal damage to its exhaust and a few bumps. The driver was able to return to his own office safely whilst the tractor trailer tow team continued with the trailer recovery.

Using a 65 on sliding rotator the team were able to lift the reefer unit into a safe position for transport inside of the trailer. After securing the unit to ensure no wiggle room or potential further damage, the tractor trailer tow team attached their own tractor for transport. With assistance from the Lynchburg Police Department to clear the road for exit, the trailer was brought back to the secure facility for repair. Thank you so much to the towing operators and to the Lynchburg Police Department for a great job!

Details of 65 Ton Rotator Extracts Reefer from Bridge

The Tractor Trailer Tow team we received a call from the Lynchburg Police Department. The Tractor Trailer Tow team received a call about a semi-tractor and trailer that had struck the bridge on Florida Ave in Lynchburg. The Tractor Trailer Tow team heard that the trailer had front end damage from hitting the 13’2 bridge. The Tractor Trailer Tow team dispatched our road tractor. The Tractor Trailer Tow team arrived on the scene and found that the truck and trailer had backed out of the road into a small parking lot of an abandoned building with the assistance of Lynchburg Police Department as traffic control. The Tractor Trailer Tow team saw that the impact had caused the top of the trailer to be ripped open and damaged about a third of the trailer. The Tractor Trailer Tow team Due quickly dispatched a Scene Safety Supervisor (required by OSHA). The Tractor Trailer Tow team requested a 65-ton sliding rotator, Rollback with extra manpower, and a road service mechanic. The Tractor Trailer Tow team made a plan with the rescue team upon arrival. The Tractor Trailer Tow team positioned the 65-ton sliding rotator beside the trailer in the small parking lot. The Tractor Trailer Tow team boomed the crane over the reefer unit, attached a soft strap to the main bracket on the top of the unit, and lifted it off the tractor into an upright position.